“You can’t clean up the environment without first cleaning up people’s hearts.”
Live! GTI is a portal for connecting entrepreneurs across industries that might otherwise not work together. Our collaborative model provides access to members to connect with unlikely affiliates and partners to solve structural socio-economic problems. This workflow accelerates innovation, access and distribution for products, services, and events that promote personal health & well-being, social responsibility, and ego-regeneration. The novelty of this market catalyzes new digital media projects to share the discoveries of that cooperation.
Currently, our focus is in edutainment that closes the gap between land conservation, human occupancy and food production, and recreation. We do this by incubating conversations with organizations that would not otherwise join forces (e.g. a fortune 500 company and a small permaculture group; a cattle rancher and a vegan nutritionist). We then document the results through music and film and market solutions as a real-time, member-fueled movement.
Our Legal Structure
GTI Enterprises is a privately owned and operated C -corporation registered in the state of California. Our CORE values are Unity, Sustainability, & Abundance (USA). Our focus is building a member-owned "cooperative corporation." Ultimately, we will have a one-member-one-vote online system that guides the direction of our projects in a democratic way. We plan to do this by rolling out an equity crowdfunding campaign for this member owned media strategy. While we are formalizing and legalizing this business model, we operate a few main departments for revenue- “We Are Mother Earth” a lifestyle brand for Earth consciousness; "Consulting" (business, web design, and coaching); "Productions" (film and event); "Photography." We've started here in the United States - and are going glocal - global impact through local transformation.
Change the global narrative on social welfare (mental, physical, and emotional health and safety) in a way that puts people and the planet first and still augments the economy by implementing a “glocal” change model that supports local communities in contributing to global social impact
Use a holistic health model that includes nutrition, fitness, and all of the arts to foster freedom of expression, end the national identity shaming crisis, and make space for creativity, leisure, and play for people of all ages from all walks of life
Create a national “spiritual competence” movement for all individuals that is based on maximizing our capacity for connectedness including reaching our individual potential, contributing to community and society, and manifesting self-love and love for others and the environment
Revolutionize the manufacturing, corporate services, technology, and live performance industries by collaborating with like-minded organizations to co- create content that is re-packaged and delivered in ways that produce win-win economic, social, and environmental outcomes for all providers
What Localities are represented
Vernon, NJ, USA
Amenia, NY, USA
Naugatuck, CT, USA
Tolland, MA, USA
Lanas de Puriscal, Costa Rica
Ontario, Canada
Montreal, Canada
Oslo, Norway